These days, it's easy to forget that Christina Aguilera is a four-time Grammy Award-winning singer who has sold over 50 million albums. The pop star is now better known for forgetting the words to the national anthem, stumbling on stage, being drunk at parties, the failure of her most recent album, the dismal reception of her feature film debut, a canceled tour, rumors of very inappropriate behavior at family functions and now an arrest for public drunkenness.

The past year was a tumultuous one for the 'Beautiful' singer. Christina Aguilera simply can't seem to do anything right, and with each new headline, her reputation as one of the most talented vocalists in music takes a hit. Critics frequently complain of auto-tuned pop stars and divas that are more style than substance, but we all know Aguilera is the real thing. She can sing just about anyone under the table and is known as a brilliant live performer, so how have things gotten to this point?

Friends of the star are pointing fingers at Christina Aguilera's new beau, Matthew Rutler, saying he is a "bad influence on her."