
Company Name Attractive benefits

founder: Wei Yibo other four co-founder, the French are

Business Location: Shanghai

on-line time: April 2010

business model: membership + special purchase limit

known in luxury with fast electronic business arena, the charm of benefits to a

Perhaps all this with the head of the background. Attractive benefits are four co-founder of the French, they slowly and surely, things to do intensive, with limited time special purchase membership + model developed more than 60 million members. Target directed 25--35-year-old career, spending smart, white-collar city like online shopping.

Wei Yibo, CEO, is not secretive.

in front of the French people also Internet sales discount. For businesses, this is the cards spread out on the eyes of consumers and the market.

power for luxury goods business, the depth of cooperation with the brand directly to obtain stable and reliable products, competitive threshold lies. However, placed in front of all the luxury power business common problem is the cost factor to consider is not a luxury, they pay more attention to the im age (brand image), the In fact, many front-line of luxury international brands, have bothered to discount their products sold on the network.

but attractive benefits, or in the luxury market to find a Their online shelves, rarely first-line super-brand, but there are L acoste, D iesel, BC BG 280 and other second-tier high-end fashion brands, types involving women, men, beauty, fashion and household goods and other five categories, covering the white-collar fashion needs.

with brands, generally have a one-time buyout and consignment direct two modes. Attractive benefits mainly to the latter. Attractive benefits on the sales of the brand, brands, or brands are the agents with a direct agreement, the brand officially authorized network partners. Any users on their site as long as the

direct cooperation with the brand benefit, attractive benefits enjoyed directly supply the brand and its consignment of products on the site, enjoy the same service in the physical store, but also solve the luxury online shopping The most embarrassing The co-brand is also willing to take consignment of cooperation, because the more convenient control of supply.

is undeniable that, in the obvious features of a luxury brand-oriented online shopping market, the brand still holds a party initiative. Main consignment attractive benefits have to pay some This

not how profitable pricing

no pricing initiative, attractive benefits to achieve profitability, is bound to expand in profitable areas of greater means, Weiyi Bo understands the true meaning of luxury online shopping operation.

as has thirteen years experience in Asia, the French luxury goods market, and has served as president of Greater China C oach and L'Oreal, vice president of Japan's luxury goods, Wei Yibo addition accumulated a wealth of management experience outside the also accumulated a wealth of brand resources, which bring benefits to the charm of the most direct role is to secure and synchronized supply line brands category, T im eforce, StephaneV erdino, C acharel other brands sold in attractive benefits is the latest merchandise.

If synchronization on the line up to bring new products to fashion fresh sync, and that exclusive customized, personalized service is to allow members to enjoy the noble sense of identity. Part of the luxury brand with attractive benefits to sign a sales channel in the network's exclusive marketing rights, exclusive launch of non-listed or special edition, limited edition products. To D iesel, for example, attractive benefits received D iesel China, a permanent network the right to sell, bags, accessories, nail polish and some other benefits for the charm of an exclusive custom.

these personalized services for the rapid expansion of attractive benefits of membership up. In the attractive benefits of call center, a map of China's entry posted in a conspicuous place, representing the number of members of a nail inserted too dense on the map. Now, the charm of benefits covering the country's 600 cities have more than 600,000 fashion icon.

mass of fashion online shopping sales analysis also provides more raw data, so Weiyi Bo found the real needs of members, if they prefer one-stop shopping needs of the fashion merchandise, including family, the procurement of goods. So, along with attractive benefits of a rich online shelves, or even a child can find a trace of supplies, such as the French children's clothing brand chou chou chic (Ya boy Shop) will be a blitz.

In addition, men's brand channel has 列入韦奕博 consideration. Attractive benefits in Japan, has launched a separate channel attractive benefits men, the charm of sales accounted for 25% of total sales benefits. Weiyi Bo said that although China is only 15% of the attractive benefits of on-line activity is man-related goods, and 50% are bought by women members, but a man full of business prospects.

in Asia ten years work experience, toured Europe, the Middle East and throughout the United States Weiyi Bo keenly observed the characteristics of attractive benefits consumers. For example, do not often see the message, more dependent on mobile phone text messages; in microblogging and other social media forum is quite active; orders and want to quickly receive the goods. The more important point is that many high-end fashion brand for the Chinese people do not understand, but a strong desire to learn.

Thus, attractive benefits established creative team, becoming the first domestic production of luxury goods creative video sales site. Before each event on-line, attractive benefits are shooting video clips,

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,http://hknursing.com/index.php?p=blogs/viewstory/35107, publicity in the warm-up activities, but also for the co-branded for a free promotion.

If there are more questions about membership, you can also click directly on the home page into the the angle spread brand of charm.

However, the attractive benefits of ambition, not merely to build a luxury distribution channels. In the end, attractive benefits will also launch a brand new product to the full price of on-line, test the water market. Attractive benefits of the product will try to sell in six weeks, pushed the store sales. Weiyi Bo said this is the first test the products full price through online sales test, if possible, the future will offer more attractive benefits sync new products.

