Service to those with confidence , determination of the chic men , demanding they adhere to enjoy the best things in life-giving , enjoy high-quality leather, superior material , tailoring the perfect pants . Comfort and originality, does not meet the tide , do not deliberately seek to express themselves is Hermes .
Hermes (Hermes) scarf
1937 years triggered by the jockey jacket inspired by the birth of the first Hermes scarves . Hermes (Hermes) is not a piece flat slippery scarves of silk , but has ruled the fine cloth , which is the thread woven combed the shaft again , and there is easy to fold. Sometimes , in order to make scarves and more features will further weave process with floral patterns, such as honey, horses .
colorists in accordance with the designer's logo , selecting the right paint , each color must be a special steel frame , the use of screen printing works , the color uniformity of wire affixed at each sweep . Scarf on each side how many need to brush paint , depending on the requirement of the design
color decisions , they would start printing , and then cut to 90 cm square scarf. Fixed color is also a tedious work , must be floating , such as steaming and drying process , the color will not fall off . Finally, ,, sewing craft handmade embroidery department people mouth , folded edges , one flowing scarf